Opinion Uncategorized #BTColumn – Open letter to the unvaxxed (Part 2) Barbados Today Traffic13/10/20212194 views The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY. by Grenville Phillips II Dear unvaxxed Barbadians: Not too long ago, all Barbadians comprised the unvaxxed. In that state, we fought COVID-19 together. Then some of us got the injection and the enemy became you, the unvaxxed. Enemy is an accurate descriptor. Caring Barbadians began advocating depriving their unvaxxed neighbours from earning a living, which would force them into bankruptcy and homelessness. How is this possible? A review of their social media activity documents a striking change of attitude. Supporting Oppression When the injections first became available, the vaxxed proudly posted the type of injections they received. Based entirely on their consistent posts and ‘likes’, those who took the mRNA and DNA types appeared to be far more likely to support the most oppressive measures after approximately two months. One of the most oppressive measures supported, was denying the unvaxxed from receiving medical care. This evident degeneration of so much of their humanity, based entirely on their social media activity, was alarming. Too Late To Appeal Evidence based discussions were impossible. Contrary evidence became inconvenient annoyances that had to be ignored for the greater “good” of getting all Barbadians injected – nothing else seemed to matter. Despite the accepted scientific fact that both the vaxxed and the unvaxxed carry the same viral load, and are equally capable of getting and spreading COVID-19, the unvaxxed alone must be severely punished in this absurd world. Since this illogical attitude towards the unvaxxed does not appear to be wearing off, my recommendations to help you survive follow. Survival recommendations Purchase a bottle of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C for the next 100 days – that would be 100 tablets. Purchase a second bottle for the next 100 days and maintain that extra supply. Take one 1,000 mg tablet each day. If you ever get sick, then take two or three tablets each day for as long as you are sick. If Vitamin C becomes scarce, then order some from a reputable health-type store in the US, like GNC. With your immune system boosted, keep following the sanitary protocols that appear to have worked in Barbados. Chossing Hardship Solutions Barbados’ policy was that every house that had a large fruit-bearing tree would not pay land-tax. Had this been done in 2018, no-one in Barbados need be hungry today. Further, the abundant fruit would have replaced unhealthy processed foods, leading to a healthier population ready for any corona variant. If you have not already done so, plant at least one fruit bearing tree. Solutions Barbados’ policy was to mandate utility companies giving a free subsistence amount of water and electricity each month. The bands above that would be increased so that there was no loss to the utility company. This was not done. Therefore, vulnerable families unnecessarily leaked money from land-tax and utility bills. Families should decide whether they wish to continue choosing unnecessary hardship. Making Money in The US You need to start earning money outside of Barbados. Solutions Barbados’ policy was to train every household, through a six-week workshop on CBC, on starting home-based businesses to make money. Had this been done, people would have automated their businesses by now to at least pay for their normal monthly expenses. Barbados currently enjoys an exceptionally generous double taxation agreement with the US. It is like having the economic benefits of being a US citizen without living there. Rather than be influenced by paid political operatives to remain in a hand-to-mouth, paycheque-to-paycheque, and house-poor poverty, make it your business to attend the next free workshop – the date of which will be advertised in these weekly articles. Finish Your Course Should a new variant arrive that incapacitates the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike, you will likely be blamed – and targeted for new punishments. Therefore, finish your course well. Every day presents a new opportunity to: care and love more, be a kinder and more helpful human being, point persons to the light, and help those who stumbled or lost their way. Every day is also an opportunity to forgive. The response to the inhumanity of others is to lovingly forgive them from your heart – they simply know not what they do. Jesus explained that we will be forgiven to the same extent that we forgive others. If you forgive everyone entirely, as if the offences against you never happened, then you are ready to meet our Creator. To The Unvaxxed Let me address any vaxxed who may be reading this. If you disagree with the persecution of the unvaxxed, then write a most convincing message to your future self, and schedule it to be automatically sent to you every month. To those who actively support policies to force the unVaxxed into bankruptcy and poverty, and deny them medical care, let me write something that I sincerely hope will shock you back to reality – even if for a moment. I love you – from my heart I do. But if taking the injection will make me like you, then I would rather die with my humanity intact. Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com