#BTSpeakingOut – Dr Idamay Denny should be praised

The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Alex Currie, North Saanich Bc

The comments of Dr. Idamay Denny should be praised not criticised as they are clearly with any educator’s mandate which is first and foremost to educate.

Lord knows we have been bombarbed with quackery, conspiracy theories, false claims of cures, and other bogus garbage on the internet and social media so it is entirely approproiate educators speak truth.

The data anywhere in the world is clear. The vast majority of new cases and deaths are in the unvaccinated population. Hospital beds are choked off from being accessed around the world because Covid patients are dying.

Even here in British Columbia Canada people who have been waiting for life saving or serious surgeries are being pushed back to the back of the line as people are being flown in from areas of high unvaccinated populations to the hospitals in regions wherein the population has acted responsibly and followed public health advice.

This is not a game folks, If you want your life back as you knew it pre pandemic, if you want that job back you lost to Covid 19 and if you want the economy on the tourism side to recover and bring with it all the economic activity it brings, the daily new case rate has to dramatically drop, vaccination rates have to climb significantly and your R number as a nation has to drop and be sustained below 1. Fail to do that and the path forward is clear. Dr, Denny’s statements are yet another voice that should be heard across the nation and if kids are the messengers so be it. Bravo.

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