Motorcycle thief jailed for breaching previous court order

BT Court

Her Majesty’s Prison at Dodds will be home for a 24-year-old man for the next two years.

Cesar Gruzo Quintero, of no fixed place of abode, triggered the suspended sentence which was imposed earlier this year when he appeared before the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court today in connection with a theft charge to which he pleaded guilty.

He admitted to stealing a $7,000 motorcycle belonging to Keith Shepherd on Wednesday.

The court heard that police, acting on information, responded to the Pine Basin where the complainant informed them that he had chased the culprit who stole his vehicle. He also told them that the thief was still in the area. Sergeant Victoria Taitt said a search was conducted and Quintero was discovered in some bushes. The motorcycle was also found in the same community.

Restitution has been granted for it to be returned to the owner.

Quintero is known to the court and has three prior theft convictions.

Before Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes on Thursday he apologized for his latest crime and explained that he had a cocaine problem for which he needed help.

For stealing the motorcycle, he was sentenced to 12 months in prison which would run concurrently with the two-year sentence.

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