Teen robs his grandmother, sister

Young people are seemingly “living under the Hollywood tree” with no appreciation for hard work, this island’s Chief Magistrate has surmised.

He made the observation as he dealt with a case in which a teenager stole his sister’s meeting turn money and got the assistance of his friend to rob his grandmother while she was walking in a public place,  so he could “look clean and hard” for Christmas.

On his first charge Kevon Kurt Rahim Sealy, 19, of no fixed place of abode, pleaded guilty to stealing $400 cash belonging to his sister Kyera Sealy on December 21.

But it was the charge that he, along with Kadeem Jason Phillips, 21, of Lascelles Terrace, St Michael robbed his grandmother Patricia Sealy of a number of items worth $4 103 including $600 cash the same day, that raised eyebrows in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court this afternoon when the facts were read by Police Constable Ralph Rollock.

His grandmother was walking towards the pavilion in the Lascelles Terrace, Pinelands area accompanied by another grandson when two men walked up to them, one of whom she identified as Kevon. He snatched her handbag while Phillips prevented the other grandson from helping her. The thieves ran off.

Explaining his actions, Kevon, who disclosed that he had been living on the block, said: “That night I was on drugs. I buy a shirt, a pants and some food.”

Phillips meanwhile explained that he had known Kevon for most of his life. He said at the time of the robbery he was “stressed” as he was not working and his grandmother was “pressuring” him for money because he was “eating and not contributing”

“I just do a foolish decision,” he admitted.

He said he “assisted” even though he knew it was his partner’s grandmother that was being robbed that night.

“At that point I wasn’t thinking,” he told the court.

In relation to the charge involving Kyera Sealy, the hearing heard how she received the money and secured it but later discovered that it was missing. She confronted Kevon who admitted to taking the money and said he would repay her. The sibling however reported the matter to police.

“I plan to pay her back as soon as possible, next two weeks or so,” Kevon said as he also admitted that his grandmother had put him out.

He added: “I was broke for Christmas . . .and everybody want to look decent. I wanted a shirt and pants to look decent, to look clean and hard.”

However the magistrate stated that while Kevon was being honest he was also lacking sense.

“You want to look good? You all will continue to live under the Hollywood tree. When I was 19, if I didn’t have it, I didn’t have it. You all are caught up in this Hollywood thing.

“Let’s hope you can pay her back and remedy this relationship. Christmas is about the Christ Child. It is about family and you ruptured your family to look good for Christmas,” Weekes stated.

“This is the level of folly you get from some young people. Two of wunna is two comedians. Wunna had a real ball this Christmas and wunna just cool that is what got me.

“Your grandmother worked hard for what is hers. Your sister got the meeting turn because she put something in it and is entitled. This generation is something else. Some young people don’t seem to appreciate that hard work is why a lot of people are successful. All you all do is complain.

“All of you are saying how stressed you are . . . you all have no understanding of the consequences. I don’t think you all appreciate the hard work of others.

“Two good partners, wunna ain’t going to be out this Ole Year’s Night,” Weekes stated as he told Kevon to ponder on how sisters and grandmothers are to be treated while Phillips was told that he needed to learn about some friendships.

The two were remanded to Dodds until January 26 next year when they will be sentenced.

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