#BTSpeakingOut – Get back to the good basics

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Pastor Courtney Selman,
former Barbados fast bowler

As a former Barbados cricketer, one thing that can be said in analysing the “no feet movement while batting”, I wish to respecfully suggest, is the lack of confidence among the batters. Perhaps, what is contributable to this mental absence, is the “select and quickly drop” method employed by our selectors. You can’t totally blame the selectors.

Why? In retrospect, the former selectors had a plethora of good cricketers to choose from; conversely, the present selectors, ominously don’t have such a pleasure; most, if not all of our cricketers, comparatively speaking, do not match-up to our former cricketers in batting and bowling.

So, how do we raise the standards? We should re-visit the methods of coaching, training and competitions that were employed in the villages, elementary and secondary schools, clubs, and even the beach.

We need to study the mentality, the approach, the acumen, the attitude and the what, where, when, how and other things that made our players in the past such great players.

Someone said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”

So, I submit, that if you continue to select and drop players, change, captains, coaches and selectors with such regularity, we are going to get the same results.

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