#BTSpeakingOut – Settle the nurses dispute immediately

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by C Brathwaite

After giving Barbadian nurses much praise, the last government treated them rather shabbily.

It was unconscionable that in the midst of a pandemic for the salaries of hardworking nurses to be docked, and in some instances, their own money being made unavailable to them because of stoppages on their accounts.

I would hope that whoever wins the general election make it a priority to settle this industrial dispute with the nurses as a matter of urgency.

I detect that government was trying to make a statement to their representative Caswell Franklyn rather than listen to the honest case being put forward on their behalf.

Of great importance going forward, those unions which did not support the striking nurses should hang their heads in shame. I would suggest that their membership seek representation elsewhere.

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