WORLD: New Zealand police blast Baby Shark, Frozen’s Let it Go to dispel anti-vax protesters

SOURCE: India Express – For over a week now New Zealand’s capital Wellington has been on a standstill over protests against the government’s coronavirus restrictions and the vaccine mandate. The protests that began on February 8 escalated after a group of people camped outside New Zealand’s parliament on February 11.

According to the BBC, in an attempt to dislodge the protesters who have adopted the title “Convoy for Freedom”, authorities have started blaring loud music interspersed with vaccine information messages and announcements urging people to leave.

The BBC reported the police opened sprinklers on the lawns where the protesters had camped and made repeated requests for them to vacate the area. When all of this failed, the authorities adopted a suggestion made by Parliament Speaker Trevor Mallard—to blast loud music to unnerve the campers.

On Sunday, Mallard even tweeted song suggestions that the police could use.

The BFM News reported that authorities have been blasting songs like old hits of Barry Manilow to children’s songs like Let It Go from Frozen and Baby Shark. In response, the protesters played Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It.

This musical face-off prompted UK singer James Blunt to tweet his support to the New Zealand Police. Interestingly, soon after Blunt’s tweet, some Wellington residents noted that the police played Blunt’s popular songs You’re Beautiful and Let it Go.

Despite these innovative tactics and anti-vaccination protesters continue to camp outside the parliament as of Monday.

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