Meet Jermaine Weekes

Jermaine Weekes is one of many of Pineland’s bright sparks. The young man who came through Pinelands Creative Workshop (PCW) at a tender age has now been able to live and work in Japan.

Speaking to the media from his Yokosuka, Japan home, Weekes said that he was introduced to Pinelands Creative Workshop when he was a student at the Parkinson Memorial Secondary School.

“I became a member of Pinelands Creative Workshop when I was in 1st or 2nd form at Parkinson Secondary School. The programme was offered to us as a class.

“Our class was then invited to the after-school evening sessions to see if we would like to officially join the workshop.

“I was able to benefit from the organisation way before even registering for the sessions as I played for the Pinelands Football Club at a very young age through my early teens,” he said.

Weekes said that his experience with PCW shaped him into the man that he is today and also taught him critical leadership skills.

“My experience with Pinelands Creative Workshop shaped me into the man that I am today by teaching me how to be a leader amongst my peers.

“Performing in front of crowds at a young age was nerve-racking, but now I am older I gained the confidence from that experience to overcome crowds today,” he said.

The fitness specialist at Moral Welfare and Recreation said that his love for sports has led to him providing sports, recreation, special events and fitness for the United States Military for the past nine years.

“At present I am a fitness specialist and I work for an organisation called MWR (Moral Welfare & Recreation). MWR provides Sports, Recreation, Special Events & Fitness for the US Military.

“I worked for this organisation for about nine years. I train service members and assist with coaching the base’s soccer team,” he said.

But how did Pinelands Creative Workshop influence him to be the astounding young man that he is today?

Weekes said he was a beneficiary of many programmes over the years but the one thing that has stayed with him is being able to give back to his community without looking for something in return.

“Everything that Pinelands Creative Workshop had offered over the years I was a beneficiary of and the one thing that I remember was my purchase of a Djembe.

“The reason I purchased it was to always remember where I came from and how I got to this stage in my life.

“The one thing that stayed with me was being able to give back to the community without looking for something in return. I was just a kid but, looking back now it was truly a blessing to be allowed to do things like feeding the elderly and the homeless,” he said.

Weekes who moved to the United States of America after he finished 4th form at the Parkinson, went on to finish high school in Brooklyn, New York at James Madison High and then sought certification to become a personal trainer.

He obtained his CPT certificate with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Since then, he has pursued his Athletic Coach certification.

He said that Pinelands Creative Workshop is a family, and he is blessed to have been a part of it.

“Pinelands is a family and like anything in life, you have to give it time to become part of you and you a part of it. It is a building block that I believe every youth should have access to.

“This program has a lot of open hearts that can guide you and set you on the right path to reach your goals. Being a member of Pinelands opened a lot of doors.

“It started with being able to travel for football to Trinidad, playing drums all over the island, unloading trailers to supply the community with the bicycle program, and being part of the meals and wheels program.

“All of the older members Rodney, Parks, Curtis, Deryck, Shelly, Nadia, ‘Iambo’, and everyone that I don’t remember right now influence myself, and my peers in a very positive way. Doors were open for some and new talents were unlocked for others.
I thank them personally for their time and knowledge,” he said.

Weekes added: “As the organisation celebrated its 44th anniversary on the 28th February, 2022, I would like to thank all the founders and leaders for everything they have done in the community over the years.

“Without their years of sacrifice and selflessness, who knows where Pinelands would be today. Thank you for your service. I hope that one day I can return home and give back to my community.

“I have learned a lot over the years as a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) and would love to return home to share this knowledge with up-and-coming athletes in track, soccer, cricket and basketball,” he said.

(Write Right PR Services)

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