COVID restrictions being lifted in Trinidad & Tobago

SOURCE: Trinidad Express – Two years into a pandemic that killed 3,731 in Trinidad and Tobago, and after enduring regulations that changed the course of lives, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced today that Covid-19 restrictions were being lifted.

After congratulating his health minister, the Covid management team, and health care workers, Rowley said ;

• As of Sunday, Covid antigen tests will be accepted from vaccinated passengers arriving in Trinidad and Tobago, replacing the need for a negative PCR test. Soon, the travel pass system will be lifted.

• The Safe Zone operations will be lifted, allowing for the mingling of vaccinated and unvaccinated, from April 4.

• Masks will remain in force in public places, except on a sporting field.

• All restrictions lifted on visiting rivers and beaches.

• No limit to public gatherings, from April 4.

Rowley said a new list to be issued by government will state what cannot be done, going forward.

He said now more than ever, it was now an individual responsibility.

He said that what some described as “the worst health care system in the world”, came to the rescue of the citizens, and had gotten a “high pass grade” internationally.

He said that people needed to continue taking precautions since there are some countries that are dealing with spikes in Covid infections, and mutations of the virus.

“I have no crystal ball on this virus…None of us know what could happen in the distant or not-too-distant future”.

He said that if T&T ended up in a situation like other countries facing Covid spikes, “we will respond to the virus responsibly, depending on the nature of the threat.”

To those who did not take the vaccine, he said “we not telling you don’t party, don’t have a beer, don’t go to the bar. Personality responsibility cannot be overstated”.

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