Insurer questions delay in breathalyser testing

Chief Executive Officer of Co-operators General Insurance Limited (CGIL) Anton Lovell is concerned about Government’s decision to delay the implementation of breathalyser testing.

Lovell said that at a time when insurance companies are concerned about the high frequency of vehicular accidents on the roads, it is worrying that breathalyser testing has been shelved for the time being.

“I don’t see why it cannot be introduced. I understand that the equipment and everything is ready and available. I can’t wait until it is introduced. That would help and certainly reduce some of the accidents on the roads.

“We have our auto rescue emergency people going out to attend to accidents and they report to me that persons they interview were in fact under the influence.

“It is no secret. So that is a measure that should help reduce some of the accidents. When persons are caught, hopefully they will be dealt with firmly. Really, we have to bring back discipline on the roads. People are driving too carefree now,” Lovell told Barbados TODAY.

After several delays, breathalyser testing was scheduled to begin on April 1, 2022. However, on that same date, Attorney General Dale Marshall announced a further delay until further notice.

Since then, the Barbados Road Safety President Sharmane Roland Bowen has been voicing concerns about the decision.

Last week, during an event at Ilaro Court, Marshall told the media that it was important to strengthen the country’s public transport system before moving forward with the measure. The Attorney General said the matter was now with the Ministry of Transport and Works.

Lovell said that while there was a significant reduction in road accidents when the country was locked down due to COVID-19 restrictions, the frequency of accidents has now escalated to pre-COVID levels.

He suggested that some persons appear to be inattentive while driving, careless and generally not being their brother’s keeper.

“These accidents obviously impact families and their lives with people being injured and unable to work. So we are very concerned. We cannot wait until this accident reduction initiative, the breathalyser test, is implemented.

“I know that cellular [phone] use too is causing some of these accidents and I understand there is a lot police can do. More can be done,” he said.

The insurance executive said the pending electronic vehicle registration system should also assist in addressing the problem.

“It is for the individual motorist to just be a little bit more conscientious in terms of driving defensively. Drive defensively and try to curb the number of accidents on the roads because it is really getting out of hand. It is really ridiculous,” Lovell said.

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