#BTSpeakingOut – Progress killing us

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Charlie Boxill

As a youngster back in the day when there was no internet, laptops, desktops, tablets, iphones, cellular phones, and all these gadgets, we used to play cricket, football for hours, drink lemonade, swank, sugar water, and back on the pasture.

Or we would go on the beach and run about an entire day. We used to walk by friends or if we lucky to have one, ride a bicycle. I never used to hear words like diabetes or abbreviations like NCDs very often. I hardly used to see one-foot men or women…the occasional one, but not in any great numbers. We used to drink the same sweet drinks people complaining about now along with crown and Martineau and then burn it off in the hot sun.

Most of these diseases we got today are due to people eating, drinking, sitting down as slaves to technology and storing fat and not burning it off. You know what is killing us? Progress!

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