PM extends condolences to relatives of the Lovell family

Mia Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Mottley said Monday’s tragic events at Breezy Hill, St Philip “has really hurt my heart” as she extended condolences to the relatives of the deceased.

Dead are 49-year-old contractor Anthony Lovell, his wife, attorney-at-law Allison Lovell, 46, and their two children Alexander Lovell, 10, and Abriel Lovell, 12. The four were found in one bedroom of their home early this morning after what neighbours said sounded like an explosion followed by fire.

Acting Police Public Relations Officer Inspector Stephen Griffith said the report to the police was received just after 3:30 a.m.

Speaking on the deadly incident from Suriname, where she is attending the 43rd Annual Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit, Prime Minister Mottley said she woke to the tragic news of the explosion and the loss of four lives .

“I really want to say that my heart literally goes out to the extended family and I’m sure that all Barbadians do and that we would want to keep the extended family in their prayers.

“Death of young people and young children at such a tender age in such a tragic way really, really is not something that we should ever become accustomed to. And to that extent, therefore, I think that all of us across the nation will feel some sense of trauma upon learning of the news this morning.

“The authorities are in the middle of their investigations and I anticipate that once that is done, we will have a fuller picture of what really transpired.

“At this stage, I think all of us just need to hold up each other and to hold up for the trauma that we feel collectively as a people. But hold up the family, extended family in particular, who must be fully and truly traumatised at the loss of their family.

“As I said, the thought of such young children and young people losing their lives in this tragedy has really hurt my heart,” the PM stated.

Police investigators are trying to piece together the details of what led to the tragic demise of the family at No. 140 Breezy Hill, St Philip.

Lawmen are requesting that anyone who can assist with this investigation to contact Police Emergency 211, Police Hotline at 429
8787, District ‘C’ Police Station at 416 8200 or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 TIPS (8477).

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