#BTSpeakingOut – African leaders should be ashamed

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY. 

by Lenrod Nzulu Baraka

In the last two weeks, the global news cycle carried two very tragic stories about migrants.  The story which got the most traction was the death of over fifty South American migrants who were abandoned in a tractor trailer truck in Texas. A number of arrests have been made so far and it is very likely that those arrested if found guilty will face either life in prison or the death penalty.

The other migrant story involved African migrants trying to enter Spanish territory via Morocco. According to a BBC report, the Spanish territory of Melilla, located on the North African coast, was besieged by between 1500-2000 African migrants who had been camped out in the Moroccan mountains surrounding Melilla.

The African migrants armed with sticks attempted to scale the border fence.

The BBC report claimed that some of the migrants were crushed between the six meter fence and Moroccan border guards who used tear gas and batons on the African migrants.

In the ensuing chaos in excess of twenty African migrants were killed. This incident is comparable to the drowning of 15 migrants in 2015 who attempted to swim around the border of another Spanish territory on the North African coast.

Judith Sunderland who is the acting deputy Europe and Asia Director at Human Rights Watch reported that video and photographic evidence showed Moroccan security forces kicking and beating the African migrants while the Spanish Guardia Civil launched teargas at those attempting to breach the fence.

The continued inhumane treatment being dished out to African and Middle Eastern migrants in Europe stands in stark contrast to the returning prodigal son treatment being extended to Ukrainian refugees.

There is absolutely no need to belabour the point that dark skin migrants are not welcomed in Europe.  Even blind Africans should be able to see the truth in this statement by now.

I therefore do not propose to join the chorus of those who are lamenting this latest atrocity to African migrants seeking entry to Europe.  Instead, I will say some things that Africans might not want to hear.  What I am about to say will not be pleasant but somebody has to say it and it is better that it be said from our side of the fence.

African and Middle Eastern migrants should understand by now that they do not have the right to force their way into a sovereign country.

Forced entry into sovereign countries is reserved exclusively for Caucasians and those possessing the firepower to enter and occupy sovereign territory.  Africans and Black people generally are deficient in the Caucasian pedigree and lack the necessary fire power.

When Europeans forced their way into sovereign African countries they knew that they had the backing of their national governments who would rain down fire and fury on any Africans who dared to stand in the way of forced European migration.

ot only did Europeans successfully force their way into Africa but they also took possession of the best of everything Africa had to offer.

Africans need to go back to the drawing board and devise a plan that would give them the same advantage Caucasians had when they were descending on Africa like hungry vultures.

Now is as good a time as any for Africans to listen to the voices of the great Pan African visionaries who dared to dream of a United States of Africa with an army big enough and strong enough to take on the best that Europe or the rest of the world has to offer.

Sons of Africa in Haiti dared to dream a big dream which resulted in military victories over French, English, and Spanish forces.

African leaders must know they are failing their citizens when they see Africans staring down death while attempting to storm other people’s countries.  Not only should they know they are failing but they also should be ashamed that they have been unable to provide the infrastructural and economic climate that would guarantee a future for Africans in Africa.

Kwame Nkrumah must be weeping in the land of the ancestors at the plight of the people of his beloved Africa.

Lenrod Nzulu Baraka is the founder of Afro-Caribbean Spiritual Teaching Center.

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