Transport Board looking into customer complaints

Commuters awaiting buses at the Princess Alice Terminal in The City this evening.

The Transport Board is investigating complaints from the travelling public and will be taking action to improve service.

The state-run agency’s Chief Operations Officer Yvette Holder gave the assurance after callers inundated Wednesday’s Down to Brass Tacks call-in radio programme on Voice of Barbados with complaints about issues such as long waiting periods for transport and an overall deterioration in the Transport Board’s services.

“I am investigating the complaints that were raised and we would be able to give a more detailed response after we have completed all of those investigations,” Holder told Barbados TODAY.

“What I would say is that the areas they had raised concerns about, we have been looking at those closely to see how we can correct any inefficiencies that are being displayed.”

During Down to Brass Tacks, several callers expressed general dissatisfaction with the bus service, complaining about having to wait on routes and in bus terminals for hours before getting a bus.

One woman from Shorey Village, St Andrew said she had to wait three hours, while another caller from the same parish reported a similar waiting time.                                                                         

An upset parent also lamented that her son had arrived home after 7 p.m. because of the apparent lack of buses. (EJ)

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