More musicians to benefit from second NCF distribution cluster

NCF's Senior Business Development Officer Andre Hoyte

The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) is offering musicians an opportunity to distribute their music globally via TuneCore by registering for its second Music Distribution Cluster.

The TuneCore platform is one of the strongest distribution platforms available today. The platform allows musicians to distribute their music digitally on Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, TikTok, Tencent and more.

Senior Business Development Officer at the NCF Andre Hoyte said the Cluster helps artistes to have “global visibility”.

“This is the NCF’s second Digital Music Distribution Cluster, and judging from the response last year, we expect it to grow and be a distribution tool more readily used by musicians and other content creators.”

He added: “We want to see the application of distributing their content on digital platforms become an automatic action in their pipeline into global markets, such that it becomes second nature. This not only drives the distribution of music but increases the global visibility of Barbadian content. We are excited to provide the opportunity once again”.

Distribution is a crucial part of music promotion and has become a must in order to reach all potential fans.

The number of active listeners has consistently been on the rise for the past few years. The latest advancements in social media have also led to an increase in the demand for music.

The distribution cluster will assist musicians to generate revenue, grow their fan base, learn how to distribute their music via gaming and movies and receive royalties for all rights holders.

The deadline for submission of the music cluster is on Monday, October 17, 2022. For more information, please email or call (246) 233-0986. (PR)

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