Republic Bank donates to initiative

From left, BECT’s Chairman, Neysha Soodeen and Executive Director Ché Greenidge accepting the donation from Republic Bank’s Marketing Officer Sharon Howell and Manager, Marketing & Corporate Communications Mischa Knight.

Local sea turtle conservation efforts have received a major boost thanks to Republic Bank’s investment in the Adopt-A-Turtle Barbados project. The Bank has made a one-off commitment of $20,000 towards the development of a new website for the project. 

Adopt-A-Turtle Barbados is a fund-raising programme of the Barbados Environmental Conservation Trust (BECT) established to fund sea turtle conservation efforts in Barbados. 

“We want to primarily educate Barbadians and visitors alike about the importance of sea turtles to our ecosystem, and the real need to fund conservation. Through urban development on the island (real estate, boardwalks, lighting on beaches, etc.) too many hatchlings become roadkill, too many eggs are lost, and too many nesting turtles disrupted. Every dollar raised from this website will go directly to the hard work of sea turtle conservation efforts on the island which is so desperately needed,” said Neysha Soodeen, Chairman of BECT. 

In addition to turtle adoption, the new website will offer people the opportunity to name their turtle, track the progress of special needs turtles, and have a more interactive experience. 

“The ability to adopt a sea turtle and embark on an educational conservation journey will be a fascinating experience for children and adults alike, allowing them to see just how far these sea turtles travel and learn about their incredible ability to leave and return to our shores, all in an interactive online space. 

“We expect this project will help people to better appreciate the life cycle of these sea creatures and all the ways that human activities affect them. This knowledge and awareness are paramount if we are to get people to adopt and stay committed to conservation efforts that maintain the delicate balance we need for all of us to flourish in the environments
we share. Thanks to Republic Bank’s timely investment, we are that much closer to our goals,” said  Ché Greenidge, Executive Director of BECT. 

Republic Bank’s Manager, Marketing & Corporate Communications Mischa Knight said the donation was another example of the Bank’s ongoing support of environmental causes. 

“Already, the Republic Financial Holdings Limited Group has committed to lending and investing US$200 million by 2025 towards renewable energy, and we look forward to championing even more environmental causes. Partnering with organisations like the BECT on the Adopt-A-Turtle project allows us to support those at the grassroots level who are often the most passionate and knowledgeable about these issues. We are happy to support their efforts to improve the ways we interact with and protect our marine ecosystem. The chance to name and track your own sea turtle is especially exciting and I expect that many Barbadians will be intrigued to learn about and support activities that protect these wonderful, endangered marine creatures,” she said.

The BECT will be the only local group providing virtual fund-raising activities for individuals to get involved in sea turtle conservation. Its leadership intends to use all forms of social media, physical signage, traditional media and digital videos to raise awareness of human and other threats to sea turtles and ways to protect this critically endangered species. Barbadians interested in contributing to the Adopt-A-Turtle project can contact the BECT at (PR)

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