Students explore team building

By Anesta Henry

Sixty fourth and fifth form students from local secondary schools recently took part in a senior school seminar on Team Building. 

The representatives from Parkinson Memorial, St George Secondary, Princess Margaret Memorial, Grantley Adams Memorial and Frederick Smith Secondary went through the hands-on exercise which was also part of their senior school project done in association with Supreme Counselling for Personal Development’s Achieve programme.

Chief Executive Officer of Supreme Counselling Shawn Clarke told Barbados TODAY that his organisation partnered with Prince’s Trust International to execute Achieve.

“What we did is to have the seminar at the Hilton Hotel where the young people would have gone through all the paces about what is teamwork, what makes up a team and what are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a team.

“They had a number of activities they were engaged in as it pertains to teamwork. The seminar was well attended and from all reports it was very successful and a good time was had by all,” Clarke said.

He further explained that students who completed the programme would be rewarded with a certificate.

Chief Executive Officer of Supreme Counselling Shawn Clarke (left) participating in an activity with a student.

A group of students
focussed on an activity during the team building seminar.

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