#BTSpeakingOut – Plenty potholes in St. Peter and St. Lucy

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Vern Smith

I see the officials of the Ministry of Transport and Works and the Minister in your paper today January 24, 2023 defending their decision to resurface the section of the ABC Highway between Hothersal roundabout and Salters roundabout saying they are using science to decide which roads need repairing.

Now it is a stretch of road that had a hole here and there, but nothing major compared to other roads in this country. Instead of roads with potholes in St. Peter and St. Lucy, we have potholes with pieces of road here and there and instead of these roads being given priority; we have officials talking rubbish about science deciding which roads should be fixed.

I would like the good people of St. Peter and St. Lucy to do two things. First, mobilise themselves with placards and protest the lack of proper repairs in their parishes at the St. Lucy Speaks this month and at the St. Peter Speaks next month and secondly, if nothing happens make up your minds not to vote for the government MPs in these two parishes when the next election comes around. No proper road repairs, no votes.

The time to stand up is now. We pay our fair share of taxes and deserve to have proper roads like the people in St. Michael and Christ Church.

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