Education Education Local News News METVT statement on the crisis intervention provided at the Alexandra School Barbados Today26/02/20230674 views Below is the full statement from the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training on the Alexandra School. Due to the untimely and tragic death of a student of the Alexandra School last weekend, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) activated the Grief and Loss Protocol on Monday, February 20, 2023. A crisis support team, consisting of officers from the Student Support Services of the METVT and Guidance Counsellors from various secondary schools, provided intervention using a triage system: the students closely affected were targeted first, followed by all senior and junior students who wanted counselling. The objectives were to gauge how the senior students were managing and to give bereavement support, as well as share coping techniques, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills. All persons who took part in the exercise are professionally trained and experienced. Provision was also made by a private consultant for staff of the school who required counselling. The Guidance Counsellor and School Counsellor of the Alexandra School will continue to monitor the students in the coming weeks. Regular school will resume on Monday, February 27, 2023 for all students and staff of Alexandra School. (METVT)