DLP hosts flea market

The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is continuing with its flea market project to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to promote their small businesses and earn an extra dollar.

On Saturday, several entrepreneurs gathered on the grounds of the DLP’s George Street Auditorium to participate in the Market Day experience.

Clothing, books, plants and jewellery, were among some of the many items on sale. Pudding and Souse and other Bajan delicacies were also available.

General Secretary Steve Blackett told Barbados TODAY that the Market Day initiative was the brainchild of a committee formed within the bowels of the labour party, headed by comrade Undine Whittaker.

“It is a party fundraising generation effort. But it also has a two fold reason which is not only to bring the rank and file members of the party together in a congenial atmosphere, but also for the public to enjoy some bargains from the many vendors who assemble here on our market day. So it is part of what we call our social outreach, fundraiser and our social intervention methods,” Blackett said.

The General Secretary said that even though the party’s market day competes with other organisations hosting similar events, he was comfortable with the continued response to the event. (AH)

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