Egi Women, Sagicor stage successful blood drive

(From Left) Founder and Brand Director of Egi Women Gina Cummins in discussion with Executive Vice President and General Manager of Sagicor Life Inc (Barbados), Paul Inniss.

collaboration between Sagicor and Egi Women to assist with the collection of blood donations has been described as a success.

Over the course of the last week, the two entities facilitated a blood donation drive on the grounds of the National Blood Collecting Centre, located at Ladymeade Gardens, St Michael. Sagicor, a leading insurance and financial solutions company, provided the support of its mobile medical unit and team to assist with the collection of blood donations, and Barbadians turned out in their numbers in recognition of World Blood Donor Day, which was celebrated on Friday June 14.

Founder and brand director of Egi Women, Gina Cummins, said they started their relationship with the Blood Collection Centre about a year ago.

“We felt that this year, in continuation of our acts of service and community building, we wanted to find a partner who could help us to amplify the message and the importance of giving blood. Sagicor have willingly come on board with their mobile wellness unit,” she said. “The way we see it is if we give blood on a frequent basis, the Blood Collection Centre will have a ready supply of blood when people need it.”

Executive vice president and general manager of Sagicor Life Inc (Barbados), Paul Inniss said the company was proud to be associated with what he called a fantastic initiative to give blood.

“…Because we are actually giving back to our communities. We are adding value by personally giving of ourselves, and if you think about it, we are actually giving blood to others that need it, when they need it. I am happy that we had a fantastic turnout and contribution by our people,” he said.

Nurse at Sagicor Life Inc Rosanna Springer outlined the importance of giving blood from a medical perspective.

“You can have a mass casualty where multiple persons can be injured and require blood, someone could be having a procedure or operation, a mother could be giving birth and you need to have blood just in case there are any emergencies. You could also just be simply donating to the bank, to ensure that on a national level, we are always prepared,” she said.


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