Barbados Today

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Unions upset

While the Barbados Agricultural Management Company Limited (BAMC) and the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) have settled on the numbers to be retrenched from the state-owned entity, other trade unions are…

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Wrong ‘elixir’

After losing one of his two jobs, a stressed out Mikilie Rashad Edghill needed something to help him relax. The cannabis joint he hoped would relieve that stress landed him…

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Operation – Beat England

Captain of the West Indies Jason Holder is backing his fast bowlers to be a thorn in England’s side during the upcoming three-match Test series that starts at Kensington Oval later this…

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Please let reason prevail

I thought we had left national stand-offs and stalemates behind us in 2018 with the embarrassing and unnecessarily long Grantley Adam’s canteen affair (by the way, what was ever the…

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Best practice

A case of “one bad apple spoils the bunch” applies to the coconut vendors along the Warrens, St Michael stretch of the ABC Highway. Vendors have been served with notices…

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