Local News

Eye on presidency

McDowall going after NUPW top post again   Akanni McDowall is seeking a third term at the helm of Barbados’ largest public sector union even amidst recent publicized clashes with…

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Fight on

Hotspots to be targeted in new crime blue print   A three-year plan to tackle rampant crime, targetting crime-ridden communities, is currently being drafted by the Government’s Criminal Research and…

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Uniform challenge

At least one group of Public Service Vehicle (PSV) owners is standing behind workers who complained last week of being blindsided by the Transport Authority’s notice that new uniform requirements…

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More cameras for port

An alarming number of shipping containers has been entering the country through the Bridgetown Port without being scanned by customs officers, leaving a gaping opening for the importation of illegal…

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Gabby says goodbye to BWU

After 41 years of service to the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU), trade unionist Orlando ‘Gabby’ Scott will be hanging up his hat. The outgoing Assistant General Secretary was recognized on…

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Tribunal to resume by March

The Employment Rights Tribunal will soon resume hearing unfair dismissal cases. Minister of Labour Colin Jordan told members of the media today that the legislative change that was needed to…

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Guns everywhere

Illegal gun activity is no longer exclusive to urban areas, impoverished communities or a single gender, according to Attorney General Dale Marshall. He is concerned that a growing number of…

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Total loss

A mother and son are left pondering their next move after a mid-morning blaze gutted their #2 Chapel Land, St Philip home today. It was a total loss for Cherry-Ann…

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