Local News

Danger gone

The controversial structure which once served as the entrance to the Villages in Coverley, Christ Church, is gone. And while the African Heritage Foundation (AHF), which had lobbied for its…

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Ma Carmen reaches 100

Lilian Carmen Batson, affectionately known as Ma Carmen, celebrated her 100th birthday today with family, friends and the Governor General of Barbados Dame Sandra Mason. The retired labourer, mother to six…

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Bishop Maxwell enthroned

The final episode in the extended process of appointing a new Bishop was finally concluded with the enthronement of the Right Reverend Michael Bruce St John Maxwell this evening. The…

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SSB loophole

Forty per cent of products is escaping the ten per cent tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSB), prompting a researcher at the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West…

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Puzzling move

Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s recent appointment of former Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin as a crime consultant to the current Commissioner Tyrone Griffith has raised a red flag from ex-Attorney…

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