Local News

Health hazard

Residents of Chapel Gap, Paynes Bay, St James are not happy that a minibus has been abandoned on an unoccupied private property for many years, and that the owner of…

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Haitians bind

Five months after removing visa requirements for Haitians to enter Barbados, Government is tinkering with the idea of placing new travel restrictions on the French-speaking neighbour. This revelation comes from…

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Plant odour flares up

Residents of Lakes Folly and Chapman Lane have become so accustomed to the pungent odour emerging from the Bridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant that many did not even realize it had…

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Help is coming

The Mia Mottley-led Government will be launching its new jobs initiative by the end of this month for retrenched public workers. Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn said…

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St Lucy ban on accused

Andre Lord Evil Jackman is a free man once again, two months after he was remanded on four serious charges, one of them gun-related. However, Barbados TODAY understands that as…

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