Local News News NUPW members vote for new executive Barbados Today03/04/20193288 views There has been a slow voter turnout so far for the National Union of Public Workers’ (NUPW) elections. Voting for a new Executive Committee got underway this morning at 21 voting stations across the island. However, Acting general secretary of the Union Delcia Burke told Barbados TODAY that while things had picked up, it has been slow going so far. There are approximately 9000 members of the NUPW. “It started slow but it’s beginning to pick up. The most we have ever had was a quarter of that number turning out to vote, but I don’t think that we will have that this year,” Burke admitted. The polling station at the NUPW will close at 6 p.m. while the other stations are scheduled to be closed at 4 p.m. (randybennett@barbadostoday.bb)