Exam ‘leaker disciplined’

A tutor at the Barbados Community College (BCC) who is alleged to have leaked an exam paper, prompting its abrupt postponement, has been barred from the college’s exam processes, Principal Annette Alleyne revealed today.

The tutor, who is said to have leaked both the examination’s questions and responses to the CORE 101 examination for Ethics and Citizenship has been removed from the college’s exams supervision and marking, she disclosed.

Alleyne told Barbados TODAY: “We made some interim decisions not to have the person in question invigilate or correct any scripts or have anything to do with the exams and we are in the process of finalising everything.

“So, the investigation is not quite finished but once we have made a decision, I would be relaying them to people.”

The principal said a full report on the incident is to be made available to the Ministry of Education and the alleged tutor has also been barred from marking exam papers.

The disclosure of the disciplinary action comes 48 hours after the exam was halted at the last minute as approximately 600 students were to set to write it on Tuesday.

Responding to the developments President of the Student’s Guild at BCC, Kobie Broomes told Barbados TODAY the guild was pleased that the college responded swiftly.

President of the Student’s Guild Kobie Broomes

Broomes said: “The Students Guild at the Barbados Community College wishes to congratulate and thank the administration for stepping up to do the right thing in this situation to ensure the integrity of the examination was not further compromised.

Broomes said while the Guild was initially concerned, he was pleased that BCC had been “very open and transparent about the entire process”.

The rescheduled  CORE 101 Ethics and Citizenship examination was eventually taken by slightly fewer students yesterday at the Howell’s Cross Road campus, he said

The guild president said: “The examination yesterday came off without a hitch; there were some decreased numbers but we have the assurance from the administration that they would do what is necessary to ensure that all students are accommodated from the initial examination.

“We are going to ensure that we keep them to that promise as they continue to ensure that everyone is sorted after that big mishap,” he said.

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