‘Blind’ drunk

Yesterday was just not Corey Omar Nicholls’ day.

First he got drunk, then a woman with whom he intended to “mek little sport” left and never returned and finally he was arrested by police.

That was the string of events which led Nicholls, a 34-year-old vendor from Sugar Hill, St Joseph, before the court charged with trespassing on a building known as Stall No.4 in The City with the intent to commit theft on October 22, 2019.

When he appeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court today he pleaded guilty to the offence, but told Magistrate Joy-Ann Clarke he did not break in nor was he trying to steal anything.

Prosecutor Station Sergeant Crishna Graham had earlier told the court that the complainant secured her stall on October 19, 2019 and left the property.

She returned on October 22 after a report was made of someone trying to enter her stall.

On reaching there the owner realized that her stall was damaged and the accused was seen inside the building. He was apprehended and handed over to police.

But Nicholls told the magistrate that he was ‘as drunk as a skunk’.

“I was in Nelson Street drinking by a bar and I get drunk. I left to go and catch a taxi but then I saw a woman who I know and we decide to go and mek lil sport. Normally we does do it by the stall so we went down there,” he explained.

“When we get there the door was prised open so I ease through the space and went in. When she get in she realize she didn’t have any condoms so she tell me she coming back in five minutes.

“I decided to lay down on the ground till she come back, but then I see some lights spotting on me. The police even had to lift me up cause I was hurt. I didn’t go to steal,” Nicholls maintained.

After listening to his story, the magistrate told the accused he could not break into someone else’s property.

She further told him that if he could not control his drinking it might be best for him to stop consuming alcohol.

“Your story was interesting but at the end of the day you did something wrong. Do you think the owner wanted you in her stall doing your business?” the magistrate asked him.

“If you can’t control your drinking ease up off the alcohol.”

After the accused begged not to be sent to prison, the magistrate placed him on a bond to keep the peace.

If he breaches the bond he will spend four months in prison.

It was not a happy ending for Nicholls though, as a check revealed he was wanted by the District ‘F’ Police Station and he was taken into custody.

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