#BTColumn – Stop the betrayals

Have you ever wondered how the marginalised in our society are able to make ends meet? People are promised things, by politicians, only to receive a slap-in-the-face, by those making the promises.

Prime Minister Mottley went to Parliament on the fairly recently debated motion on Wednesday 24th, on the Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2020.

The Minister of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology Senator Kay Mc Conney led off a new debate in the senate.

Prime Minister Mottley, in the earlier debate on this subject matter, started by reminding her audience as follows:

“We have not been deaf, and I’m told that as recently as the consultation this week, and I know that the Minister was also on BrassTacks and other public engagements, along with the Consultants… but there was a very reasonable set of representations made that would see us reverse sections of the Bill, that would otherwise negatively impact Draughtsmen in the country.

“I want to say, Mr Speaker, my Government is not insensitive and therefore, has heard the representations and has asked that the following amendment be made in Committee so as to facilitate the ability of Draughtsmen to be able to work on single dwelling houses and duplexes and apartments, I think, up to the number of ten, which will substantially allow them to maintain their way of life and their earnings (LOUD APPLAUSE AND THUMPING OF DESKS) and those amendments will be made on the floor.

“This is what consultation does and produces for us. The ability to be a responsive Government and Mr Speaker, I believe even what we pass today may not be perfect, but our role as a Government, is to come here and make changes to reflect the reality of what we want our society to function.”

The Bill, referred to hereon, went before our Parliament a few days ago where five Senators said “NO” to the Amended Bill, which passed.

Our deep concern is that taking away the ability of those professionals known as Draughtsmen to be able to do work for consumers who have become owners of housing will drastically and negatively impact a section of society that will adversely affect their ability to get work done at a reasonable financial cost.

It will also stop the said Draughtsmen from earning a decent living. They are consumers, too.

All these betrayals to the consumers of Barbados MUST stop. The Government must be seen to protect the interest of all consumers.

The Rev. H. Malcolm A. Gibbs-Taitt,

Ordained Christian Minister,

Consumer Analyst, Advocate, Intervener,

Founder & Director-General,

Barbados Consumers Research Organisation, Inc. (BarCRO).

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