#BTColumn – Unfair to the Governor General

Dame Sandra Mason delivering the Thorne Speech.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today Inc.

I belong to neither the BLP nor the DLP. I have voted only three times in my life and I have become disenchanted with politics.

I voted twice for Michael Lashley and once for Ralph Thorne having leftSt Philip. I do not profess to be a scholar of any standard but I read and understand a bit of what is told to me and what I overhear.

What the Government did to Dame Sandra Mason yesterday morning was deliberate and unethical.

The office of the Governor General is not a creature of any party and her public utterances – whether actually hers or acting as a mouthpiece – should  not be filled with partisan statements.

We all know that the sentiments made public yesterday during the throne speech were those of the Government – specifically Prime Minister Mia Mottley.

The message she had to give Barbadians through Dame Sandra needed no input of partisan politics. Come on Miss Mottley, show some bloody grace! You are the Prime Minister already,

You are not campaigning to be Prime Minister. But to have Dame Sandra reading a speech going on and on about government responding to “economic mismanagement” and the country being damaged socially and otherwise by the “lost decade” and poverty increasing over the “lost decade” and all that, was uncalled for.

The PM would know that Dame Sandra would obviously be reading her speech. This obsession with power will be the ruin of some of our regional leaders.

You all have souls to contemplate and health to pay more attention to, than trying to use all means necessary to influence the gullible and to hold power.

Nothing has improved in Barbados since the Government changed.

In fact, the living hardships for Barbadians have got worse.

I voted for Thorne because I got fed up with the DLP but now I am fed up with Prime Minister Mottley and her Government too.

Learn from the demise of the late David Thompson who was Prime Minister for less than two years. He probably thought he would be in power for two or three terms too because
he was young.

It doesn’t pay to be brutish and manipulative in politics. Government is a continuum and I am sure that since Independence, every Opposition can point to something the Government of the day did that did not help the economy, poverty alleviation, society or whatever.

D.B Bishop

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