Local journalists welcome role in debates

The Barbados Association of Journalists and Media Workers (BARJAM) has lauded Government’s decision to host live televised debates featuring candidates contesting the November 11 by-election in St George North.

And president of BARJAM, Emmanuel Joseph, has promised full transparency, noting that Government’s involvement in the debates will be minimal.

Last Friday, in announcing Nomination Day (October 26) and the by-election date, Prime Minister Mia Mottley also revealed that due to an expected reduction in political rallies because of the COVID-19 pandemic, candidates would take part in three live debates to be televised on the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

In an interview with Barbados TODAY, Joseph welcomed local journalists’ inclusion in the proposed debates.

“It is significant for the media fraternity in Barbados from the point of view that we have been recognized as being able to conduct and manage these debates,” said Joseph.

“It is also significant in that the Government is not wallowing in the process from the point of view of transparency, although they will be facilitating the debate through CBC which is a state-owned station, but their only role will be to facilitate the debate.”

Joseph revealed that the dates and times for the upcoming debates had already been set.

While he said he could not divulge that information before consultation with the  media houses, he disclosed that for logistical reasons, the political debates will be held at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre and not at CBC.

“Dates have been set for the political debates for the by-election in St George North and these dates were set by CBC out of necessity because we have little time to waste and because CBC is the source of the debates. I cannot disclose the dates because the other media houses need to be informed first. We are expecting to have a Zoom meeting on Sunday with all of the media heads to work out the nuts and bolts of the debates,” Joseph explained.

“Suffice to say, the debates will not be held at CBC because of the size of the studio.”

He said following Sunday’s meeting a schedule would be sent to the Minister of Information and Public Affairs Wilfred Abrahams for circulation to the political parties.

Joseph said that contrary to what has been indicated by Opposition Leader and president of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP) Joseph Atherley, the final schedule will not be sent to Minister Abrahams for approval.

Joseph disputed that, reiterating that Abrahams is to circulate not approve.


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