Manslayer to be sentenced next month

A man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Monday was allowed to continue his bail.

Richard Greenidge of Bonnetts, Britton’s Hill, St. Michael admitted to the offence in the No. 5A Supreme Court before Justice Chritopher Birch.

According to the facts outlined by Senior Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas, the deceased Javon Layne and his brother Jonathan Layne went to a fete at the After Dark nightclub at St. Lawrence Gap  which started on March 3, 2012 and continued into the early hours of March 4, 2012.

A number of fights broke out during the event, including one with Jonathan and no one actually witnessed the fight between Greenidge and Layne.

It was only when someone informed Jonathan that his brother was on the ground lying down that he discovered him dead.

In an oral statement to police Greenidge admitted stabbing Layne and also pointed out the knife.

In a bail application, counsel Faith Greaves-Agard told the court her client pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and had no previous convictions.

The lawyer said Greenidge had been granted bail since 2014 and had submitted to all bail conditions up until now.

She told the court that he always attended court in respect of the matter and his passport was already surrendered.

Justice Christopher Birch took into consideration some other defence’s submissions including Greenidge’s adherence to the bail conditions and that he was gainfully employed.

He will be sentenced on November 23. Greaves-Agard appeared in association with Michael Lashley Q.C.

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