COVID-19 Update: Six new cases, four recoveries

Six persons tested positive for COVID-19, out of the 583 tests performed by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory on Saturday.

Their ages range from 33 to 79, and they were all asymptomatic.  They came into the island between December 18 and 24, on the air carriers Jet Blue, American Airlines, and British Airways.  Five of them – two male and two female visitors, and a Barbadian female – tested positive on their second tests.  The sixth person, a 79-year old female visitor, came into contact with a known case.

Barbados has now recorded 362 cases – 194 females and 168 males.  Four persons left the isolation facility yesterday, bringing the recoveries to 305.  The number in isolation has increased to 50.

The laboratory has conducted a total of 66,649 tests.  (BGIS)

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