#BTColumn – We must be masters of COVID-19

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today.

by Kammie Holder

Let us thank the government for working extremely hard to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread.

It’s not the sole responsibility of the government to keep us safe, every person must play their part and ensure those around us adhere to required protocols to mitigate the spread.

Managing such a crisis of this unseen enemy in the era of social media will not be easy, for every person on social media is a publisher and opinions are a dime a dozen in an era when fake news is popular.

The much-touted alphabet system was chaotic, as many variables were not taken into consideration such as the merging of commercial and personal banking customers, reduced bank branches, reduced staff compliment and the restrictive periods allocated to each person which created undue hustle as well as stress.

It’s a very strategic move for the government of Barbados to launch a communication team, for public relations will be key, information dissemination can help or hamper the fight.

Thus, the Alphabet system despite well-intentioned only exposes persons with the daily allowed names to be exposed if protocols are not followed.

There are some institutions where six feet is not maintained and markings are not six feet.

Why are supermarkets and hardware stores not required to detect one of the symptoms which is fever?

Some will say fever is not conclusive but nothing must be left to chance, neither should any institution be exempted.

No exceptions must be allowed if we are to break the COVID-19 chain of spread.

We cannot allow those who seem to think their imagination must not be stretched to problem solve, to shirk their social corporate responsibility.

This exemption is unacceptable.

Let me say international research has shown supermarkets sales have increased as persons seek comfort food and hardware stores are also enjoying higher sales as persons such as DIYers are taking the challenge to keep occupied while working from home.

Sky Mall has an automated system that takes your picture and temperature for contact tracing and facilitates hand sanitization, no long lines exist for persons visiting the mall. These are unprecedented times that require tomorrow’s skills today.

Again, we must say thank you to the Mia Mottley administration for showing great leadership and no I am not seeking brownie points for I am apolitical.

Let us be mindful the highly successful space shuttle has two fatal disasters, for learning is a continuous process. Thank you, for taking the concerns of the ABC system into consideration for strong humane enforcement is key if we are to stop the spread.

Unfortunately, many who are guaranteed a salary or are not impacted negatively financially from the pandemic seem to be oblivious to the sufferings of those who are paid by task such as artisans.

Every adult must take responsibility, for it boggles my mind how an eight-month-old baby who cannot walk gets contaminated by the COVID-19 virus.

I should not have to say it’s the height of irresponsibility, carelessness and ignorance when individuals do not take all measures espoused by health experts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 virus. If we all did as required by the science the transmission of the virus could be broken.

What should be of concern to all is how the global media seems to be feeding a belief that COVID-19 is the master and we are the servants.

It’s time enough that media houses create a narrative to inspire hope, to create a collective onslaught mindset for the citizenry to eliminate this virus from among us.

If every individual kept a social distance, washed hands properly, wore masks properly to cover mouth and nose, avoided crowded areas and eliminated unnecessary travel from home, we could break the chain of the spread.

Let me also implore the government not to overlook the vector called money. Perhaps, this is the ideal time for the government and the private sector to accelerate Barbados to a cashless society.

We cannot avoid disruptive technologies for much longer, every advancement has accompanying downsides.

Peter has always paid for Paul, it’s time enough Paul pays For Peter. Those who endanger our country must be held accountable without exception.

Zero tolerance for lawless flouting of COVID-19 mitigation measures, for it’s time Paul is held accountable.

We must act as if COVID-19 is with us like the regular flu that peaks in the winter which is fuelling what is now been called
a second wave.

We must not submit to COVID-19, we now have an extremely reliable transportation system, digital migration of most businesses has accelerated, ice cream is now served in a drive-thru.

Thus, we can wrestle COVID-19 to the ground for we must never accept it is our master. Yesterday, the world’`s richest person Elon Musk remarked how his 14-year-old son stated 2021 will be a great year and I too believe this will be a great year.

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