#BTColumn – We have lost a giant!

FORMER CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR Sir Courtney Blackman wants to see even greater diversification of the economy with more emphasis on small businesses and agriculture. (Picture by Sandy Pitt.)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados TODAY Inc.

by Dr. R. DeLisle Worrell 

Sir Courtney Blackman’s was a life well lived, long and productive.

He was my mentor and friend, and that bond of friendship embraced Monica, my wife.

It was thanks to Sir Courtney that I became a central banker, and I am eternally grateful for that. The day in 1972 that he recruited me to set up the Research Department for the new Central Bank of Barbados was a turning point in my life, and opened paths for advancement that I had never dreamed of.

Sir Courtney was a true leader, thoughtful, forward thinking, and generous to a fault. He supported my adventurous spirit, and I was captivated by his vision of the Central Bank of Barbados as a world class institution.

He taught me the art of management, which was his great strength. The lessons I learned from him are even now being rediscovered by the world’s foremost schools of management.

Much more could be said, but suffice it to say that we have lost a giant, a master of his craft and an inspiration for his times.

Monica and I join with Gloria, Courtney’s family and friends in celebrating his life, and we offer condolences to all who loved and respected him.

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