#BTColumn – We have all incurred debt with Christ

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by Grenville Phillips II

During our lives, we will harm many people, both intentionally and unknowingly. We will harm them by doing harmful things, and by failing to do helpful things. That harm is a debt that we must pay.

We may never know the number of people whom we have harmed. The spaghetti of consequences of all our actions and non-actions is unknowable to all, except to the One who is all knowing.

Our debt problem

If someone harmed a child, then they should give an account, and make amends, to the child’s parents. We are all God’s creation, and we are all guilty of harming His creation. Each of us must give an account of our actions, and non-actions, to our Creator. Therefore, we all have a serious debt problem.

God managed our debt problem by sending his Son, Jesus, to pay everyone’s debts. Therefore, Jesus became the Messiah of all mankind. Since Jesus paid our debts, God appointed Him as the one to whom everyone must give an account, at the end
of their lives.

Interestingly, both the Bible and Qur’an acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, who will judge all people, after their brief time on this Earth has ended.

Debt forgiveness

The arrangement to have our debts forgiven is fair, and entirely within our control. We will be forgiven to the same extent that we forgive others. So, if we only forgive someone 60 per cent of their smallest debts to us, then we will only be forgiven the same 60 per cent of the smallest of our debts.

At the end of our lives, those who have no debts will have qualified themselves for fulfilling and exciting employment. Those who chose to keep their debts, will have automatically condemned themselves to a bitter and miserable unemployable existence, with others who have done the same. But there is another judgement.

Political judgement

Enoch describes an inescapable eternal damnation, for politicians who implemented oppressive policies. That is why politics is the most dangerous activity for any human being, and should only be done by selfless persons who want to serve, and not enrich themselves and their supporters.

It is useful to read Jesus’ words to the oppressive leaders of his community. “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?” (Matthew 23:33) So, oppressive politicians should not be feared – but pitied.

Keeping debts

Jesus predicted a horrific scenario where most humans will not want to be forgiven. Tragically, it has come to pass. Many refuse to acknowledge that their actions have harmed anyone. Their attitude is described in Proverbs: “This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’”
(Proverbs 30:20)

We think that nothing is wrong with abortion for convenience and sex slavery, both of which are illegal in Barbados. We think that no one is harmed with: pornography, bribery, no-bid public contracts, political discrimination, etc. When preachers of the Gospel remind persons of their debts, and urge them to live debt-free to avoid future unemployment, some get offended.

The most reckless thing that a human being can do, is to reject the offer to be debt-free. The most short-sighted thing that a human can do, is to accumulate and retain debts. The most certifiably lunatic thing a human can do, is to tell Jesus, their Messiah and Judge, to begone.

Grenville Phillips II has done pre-marriage counselling for the past 25 years. So far, none of those couples have gone through a separation or divorce.  NextParty246@gmail.com

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