More support for online voting in union poll

The Third Vice President of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) Kimberly Agard has indicated her support for online voting in the July 15 elections.

Against internal rumblings and division on the issue, Agard, who last month served notice that she would challenge President Akanni McDowall for the top post, told Barbados TODAY that she supports the electronic voting option.

She said, as a responsible and caring union, the safety of members must be considered in executing the business of the organisation.

“We flexed the rules to accommodate persons participating in the Annual General Meeting via Zoom and considering that we are still fighting the COVID war, I would definitely support the same being done for the upcoming elections,” Agard said.

However, McDowall,  who in an interview with Barbados TODAY defended the decision to stick with in-person voting, charged that those behind the move failed to follow procedure, and indicated that there is an established process for matters to be brought before the union’s conference that is clearly outlined in the organisation’s constitution.

On May 22, NUPW’s General Secretary Wayne Walrond, said that as the Chief Electoral Officer, although he fully embraces online voting as a secure and cost-effective initiative that would enhance the upcoming election in light of the current environment, he must ensure that all stakeholders are on board with the elections. Walrond confirmed that face-to-face elections will be held on July 15.

A few days before his statement, council member Michelle Cave, threatened to bring a no-confidence motion against McDowall. She accused him of blatantly opposing recommendations to have the elections online given fears by members who are still anxious about public spaces in the ongoing pandemic.

But, Agard believes that from the demonstrations on the proposed system, there is enough time to put all systems in place to accommodate online voting for July 15.

She noted that the point should be made that there are usually ballot boxes at a number of health facilities, including the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), the Psychiatric and Geriatric hospitals, along with floating boxes that visit the district hospitals.

“It would be best that we not use them this time around because of the foot traffic that would be seen on that day and the vulnerability of the persons in those institutions. Our members’ safety must be paramount,” Agard added. (AH)

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