BWU Credit Union donates $3 500 in We Care project

(From left) Valerie Hope, Marketing Manager of the BWU Co-operative Credit Union Limited and Sherma Evelyn, Business Manager of the Salvation Army Barbados holding the donation cheque..jpg

As a precursor to the relaunch of its We Care initiative, the BWU Cooperative Credit Union Limited (BWUCCUL) recently made a donation of $3 500 to the Salvation Army.

In making the donation, Valerie Hope, Marketing Manager of the BWU Co-operative Credit Union Limited, said: “With the extended presence of the pandemic, many persons in our society have lost jobs and income leading to a significant increase in the numbers requesting assistance from charities like the Salvation Army.

“As a company our values speak to uplifting every member of our society and in these more challenging times, we were compelled to provide additional tangible support to our members and those in our community who need a helping hand.

“We are therefore pleased to make a donation to the Salvation Army as part of our We Care initiative, to help them respond to the increased demand on their charitable services.”

In receiving the donation on behalf of the Salvation Army, Sherma Evelyn, Business Manager of the Salvation Army, thanked the Credit Union for their ongoing support and indicated that they were now closer to hitting the target of $700 000 for their 2021 Christmas Appeal.

“Including the donation from the BWUCCUL, we have now raised just over $720 000 for our Christmas appeal. This is our major annual fundraiser and monies raised are essential to funding our ongoing projects such as the feeding program, monthly food hamper distribution to families, meals on wheels for shut-ins, two primary schools’ breakfast programs and our men’s hostel. We are therefore grateful for the generous support of the BWUCCUL and other donors.”

The We Care program under which the BWUCCUL made the donation to the Salvation Army, will be fully relaunched at the end of January 2022.

In shedding further light on this initiative, Hope stated: “We Care, which is the acronym for the Credit Union’s values, was first introduced during Barbados’ initial
COVID-19 lockdown period to assist select members who had fallen on hard times.

“We know more people need help and therefore we will be reintroducing an enhanced version of We Care, featuring a wider access criteria that allows the Credit Union to provide grants to more of its members, as well as to other local ventures, which help to create positive outcomes for our people and the wider society.

In addition to member support, priority will be given to projects centered on youth, sports, culture & heritage, community as well as the environment. Details on how to apply for We Care grants will be published shortly on all the social media channels of the BWUCCUL, as well as on the company’s website.” (PR)

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