‘Efforts of youth in clean-up programme paying off’

Minister of Environment and National Beautification Adrian Forde has once again defended the national clean-up programme which has been criticised by some as “sending the wrong message” to the island’s youth, praising the young workforce for getting involved in the initiative.

While speaking in the House of Assembly on Tuesday, in response to the Budgetary Proposals outlined by Prime Minister Mia Mottley the previous day, Forde said workers in the programme have so far been doing an excellent job in keeping the island’s roadways and drains clean, despite criticism from some social commentators.

“Those naysayers and fearmongers and those who may want to critique those youngsters for working hard to be on the frontline, for not only beautifying this country but ensuring that we remove all of the garbage from the drains and allow the planting of a hedgerow that protects us from the soil erosion as we know it… I want to say to those youngsters, they are at the forefront of climate change.

“I want to say to those who feel that they should not be getting ‘X’ amount or ‘Y’ amount because they don’t see the importance of these youngsters, that it is like folly jumping up and down on stilts in Barbados,” he said.

Forde insisted that the young workforce that has been working daily on cleaning up several areas on the island, many of which had become illegal dumpsites, have even gone one step further to create small cooperatives so they can apply for Government contracts.

Their work so far, according to Forde, has paid off, with 350, 000 trees being planted out of the one million target set under the National Clean and Green Programme.

He added that just over 30 green sites have also been created during his tenure as Minister of Environment and National Beautification.

“I was given the arduous task of creating 30 green sites across Barbados with the Clean and Green Programme. I want to report to this chamber that thus far we have created 31 green sites across the length and breadth of Barbados for the Clean and Green Programme.

“I am putting every single person, all of my colleagues on notice – 60 more Clean and Green sites for the new financial year. You can start looking around your constituencies and start identifying two sites where you will tell me as Minister and my team, ‘I need this space where I will create a recreational facility. I will create that green space for commercial activity. I will create that green space for sporting activities. That green space must bring aesthetics to my constituency’…. That is the conversation I want to hear from my colleagues,” Forde added. (AH)

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