#BTSpeakingOut – Support for female women

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Rollins Howard

It is not very often that I find myself in agreement with British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, but I certainly had to doff my hat (figuratively, of course when I read his comments in the Barbados Advocate’s edition of Thursday 7th April, 2022.

In speaking to broadcasters in London with reference to transgender women he is reported to have said “I don’t think biological males should be competing in female sporting events”.

He went on to add “I also happen to think that women should have their space – whether it’s in hospitals, prison or changing rooms – which are dedicated to women.  That’s as far as my thinking has developed on this issue.”

The article ends with a reference to a “guidance” from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) “updated in November last year …that no athlete should be excluded from competition on the grounds of a perceived unfair advantage due to gender.”

If this is the view of the IOC would someone please explain to me why Caster Semenya is having so much difficulty in being able to compete in athletics as a woman, just as she was born.

I can understand when (Sir) Wes Hall says that he loves his pace partner (Sir) Charlie Griffith as much as a man can love a man and still remain a man, but I am totally confused when men actually claim to be male women.

Perhaps it is time to nominate Mr Boris Johnson for a seat on the IOC.

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