#BTSpeakingOut – Swim, float or drown

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

by Lenrod Nzulu Baraka

The United States, the European Union, Brazil, and India in recent times have all witnessed a resurgence of the same brand of conservative right-wing politics that laid the foundation for the rise of fascism in Europe.

This trend is a cause of grave concern for anyone interested in the freedom. Notwithstanding the
usually religious and moral rhetoric so pervasive in right-wing conservative politics, the net result of this resurgence is a return to a dark past full of racism, bigotry, and violence.

Increasingly questions are being asked about the Azov Battalion operating in Ukraine. The Neo-Nazis leaning of the Azov Battalion has raised red flags globally resulting in some embarrassing questions being asked about the complicity of the United States and its allies in arming Neo- Nazis is Ukraine.

The leadership of the Azov Battalion is on record stating that they are fighting for the preservation of the Caucasian race. It should be mentioned that the Azov Battalion constitutes a small part of the fighting forces in Ukraine. It is equally true however that a small band of revolutionaries were responsible for the 1917 revolution in Russia. This small band of revolutionaries, led by V.I Lenin, overthrew the Czar and went on to create the Soviet Union.

The Trump era empowered and emboldened groups in the United States with a similar orientation to the Azov Battalion. We are familiar with the Proud Boys who were told by then President Trump in a live presidential debate to stand down and stand by. Other Caucasian supremacy groups fall under headings like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, Neo-Confederates and Christian Identity.

All these white nationalist groups are unified by a philosophy which places Caucasians at the top of the racial pecking order. Many white nationalists subscribe to the concept that there is a well orchestrated conspiracy to replace Caucasians in Europe and other white dominated countries through programs of multiculturalism. Non-Caucasian immigrants are therefore reframed as invaders and enemies in Caucasian political and cultural spaces.

Right wing conservative politicians pay lip service to morality, religion and democracy while simultaneously implementing some of the most immoral, anti-religious and anti-democratic policies imaginable. Like the Pharisees of Bible fame, right wing conservatives are sticklers for the letter of the law while being willfully blind to the spirit of the law.

Increasingly what we are witnessing in the so call developed Caucasian world is the emergence of powerful religio-political movements that are demanding that their national governments place the needs of Caucasians above the needs of any other racial groups. Trumpism, far from being an aberration, seems to be the wave of the future in Caucasian dominated countries.

As such therefore it is highly likely that we will see a retreat from multilateralism especially by the Caucasian dominated countries. The Ukraine refugee crisis is just the latest example of Caucasian nations doubling down on the practice of lifeboat ethics.

The race factor will eventually result in a physical or financial exodus of Caucasian dominated countries from the multilateral international organisations. The rest of the world will be left to swim, float, or drown.           

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