Local News News Thousands show support for a great cause Barbados Today03/10/20220259 views Not even showers could stop the thousands of people who took part in the CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank Walk for the Cure from enjoying themselves. In fact, it could be argued that the heavy rainfall only added to the event. Just after 4 p.m. the walk started following a short opening and ribbon- cutting ceremony. Chief executive officer of CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank, Mark St Hill, said he was pleased to announce that over the years the charitable activity has raised more than US$3 million. He said the proceeds are used to assist in the purchasing of and maintenance of equipment used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, noting that the funds also go toward counseling and caring for cancer patients as well as awareness and early detection programmes. Medical coordinator of the Breast Screening Programme Dr Shirley Jhagroo said this was a special year as it was a celebration of 20 years of saving lives. She said that at the clinic there was an average of two to three new cases of breast cancer every week, but they were between the stages of zero and two, which is not invasive, and these women had a fighting chance of survival. Jhagroo added that the clinic, which was established in 2002, was able to provide care for 120 000 clients and the average attendance for breast screening mammograms was between seven and 800 patients per month. She said she was concerned that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital was no longer offering mammograms and biopsies, noting that it was “disheartening”. Most of the participants gathered around the music truck and the people made their way from Warrens to the Botanical Gardens. It was anticipated that about 20 000 people would attend the event, which was held for the first time since 2019 because of restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials reported that the target was reached. As the crowd advanced along the highway heading towards the Clyde Walcott Roundabout in Hothersal Turning, the heavy rains came and lasted for a long time. Those who came prepared put on their raincoats or sheltered under their umbrellas, while children and their parents got on to a designated container truck. At this point it seemed as though things intensified as the crowd got more energetic. Taking the cue, the disc jockey increased the tempo and played popular bashment soca and soca to the delight of the crowd. The scene resembled jouvert with the pink breast cancer awareness t-shirts colouring the sea of people who chipped to the rhythmic music or jumped and waved. Barbados TODAY spoke to some of the participants who all indicated that they were glad to be back out with family and friends taking part in the calendar event. Some said they attended the Pink Fit event at the Deighton Griffith Secondary School last year, which was a scaled-down version of the walk with fitness instructors leading the scores of people in attendance in exercise activities and others said they enjoyed the virtual walks in previous years, but nothing could compare to the full-scale event. The walk concluded just after 6 p.m. when the music truck arrived at the Botanical Gardens. There the participants were treated to performances by local entertainers such as Mole De Chief, Mikey, Nakita and BruceLee Almightee. (SZB)