Unresolved CXC concerns remain

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

The just concluded CXC Ministerial Summit  in its second year, is  a welcome innovation with great potential.

However, we continue to be concerned by the Summit’s lack of representation and inclusion of what are supposedly key education stakeholders: students, teachers, parents. Such lack of diversity of input diminishes the effectiveness of the Summit. What does it say about the respect shown for us? CXC has long promised effective fora for parents and students for inclusion of decision-making, and improved communication, which was also recommended by the IRT Report of Oct 2020.  This  remains unachieved.

Sir Hillary is quoted at the Summit as saying: “The objective is not to have a babble as we did two years ago where so many conflicting voices were being heard “. We have had distressed feedback from parents and students regarding this comment, as it has been interpreted as negatively and even disrespectfully descriptive of parental and students concerns re   CXC’s performance over the past 3 years. Parents, students and teachers have been remarkably and consistently uniform in attempting to communicate their concerns to national and regional education authorities, and to CXC, but with varying degrees of  success and response, particularly with CXC.

The entire handling of the CXC  exam process during the pandemic era 2020 – 2022 inclusive, including the last minute delay of  the 2022 exams, late advice of broad topics, teacher-reported increase in errors in exam papers, lack of adjustment in grading boundaries in recognition of the pandemic difficulties, reports of errors  in grading, especially on CAPE Communication Studies , the decision to pursue the new e-testing during the pandemic, all in 2022, raises continued concerns of education stakeholders.

The foregoing deficiencies are in sharp contrast to the recognition of the pandemic difficulties, specific help given to students and stated demonstration of care and concern for students, provided  by other international exam bodies – eg Cambridge, International Baccalaureate, North American state and regional education bodies.

CXC’s regional governance structure’s lack of responsiveness to student, parent and teachers concerns remains.  Our consistent call since 2020, for improved accountability, quality assurance, communication and external independent regulation, similar to OFQUAL/UK Cambridge, and as endorsed by then Minister of Education/Chair COHSOD  Bradshaw at the First CXC Ministerial Summit of Nov 2021, seems to have fallen on deaf regional  ears.

As a result, increased disillusion with, and lack  of public confidence in, the CXC examination process has and will result in increased privatisation of secondary school education, to our collective detriment.

These issues should be part of the education reform discussion. Perhaps part of the discussion should be whether the regional consensus approach to decision making for CXC is fit for purpose, as it seems to be currently designed to benefit the institution’s corporate interests  rather than benefit the children it is supposed to serve.

Should individual countries opt out of CXC if their citizens’ interests are no longer being met?

Our movement did not advocate just for the still unresolved 2020 CXC Grading Fiasco and remains steadfast in our commitment to constructively advocate for student and parent best interests in education.

– Paula-Anne Moore

Parent Advocate


The Group of Concerned Parents, Barbados

The Caribbean Coalition for  Exam Redress

– Khaleel Kothdiwala

Student Advocate and Liaison

The Caribbean Coalition for  Exam Redress

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