#BTEditorial – Shining a light in a dreary world could make for a happy 2023

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” — William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice).

Centuries after the renowned English poet and playwright penned this poignant message to remind us that a good deed brightens the world, its significance still holds through in our tough era.

At the start of 2023, Barbadians were handed a bright ray of kindness and honesty to show who we really are and who we can choose to be.

The story of 20-year-old Cameron Edwards, a young man, who though in need of money, returned cash he found at the Automated Teller Machine to its owner, Kerry Vaughan, is an inspiring start to the New Year.

As recounted by Vaughan, she was having a bit of trouble retrieving funds from the ATM and eventually she gave up, unaware the transaction was successful and proceeded to the supermarket.

To her surprise, moments later, a young man approached her and returned the cash in full along with the receipt.

Edwards said he had no choice but to return the money.

“So when I looked down I saw her money came out from the ATM and I looked around to see if I saw her to see if she could come and take it out because I didn’t want anybody to think that I would steal it,” he said.

Edwards quickly removed the money and the receipt and went in search of Kerry.

“I went through every aisle looking to see if I found her and I started to give up hope but I continued looking because you never know what somebody is going through in terms of needing the money,” he said. “And I told myself that I would feel bad if I had to carry along the money. So, I walked around and then I say to myself that the only place left to check now was by the fruits and when I checked she was right there.”

For Edwards it was simply the right thing to do: “My mother is a pastor. My stepfather is a pastor. I am not a saint. But I know right from wrong. The reality is I got a lot of responsibilities even though I am young, but she [Vaughan] might have her struggles and she has a son and I don’t know what she is going through, so the right thing to do was to give her back that money.”

Young Cameron is certainly an inspiration, particularly at a time when some of our young men have found themselves in the limelight for all the wrong reasons.

He has shown us all that there are different paths and we get to choose. We can choose either honesty, kindness and integrity or dishonesty, greed and selfishness.

Edward’s viral story is a credit to our young people.

Indeed, our youth have demonstrated time and time again that they can make the right choices and make a meaningful contribution to society.

Like the story of Kerrisha Skeete, who jumped to the assistance of a man as he fell ill on a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) last November or that of Christ Church Girls Honesty Ambassador Safia Bernard who returned a purse filled with money that she had found.

We urge our youth to emulate these shining examples and stay on the right path.

And for adults, it’s a reminder that we must continue to train, discipline and positively influence all children and moreso, reach out to those headed on the wrong path. Make it a resolution.

At the start of the new year, we resolve to improve in all areas of our lives. So as we move into 2023, let’s try to be positive citizens, work hard, be considerate of our neighbors, and make sacrifices for the greater good.

Whatever the year holds, shine your light.

A happy and prosperous 2023 to all.

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