For the Love of Pets: The ins and outs of potty pad training

While many owners let their dogs use the toilet outside, indoor potty training is viable for small breeds. The following steps will help you get started.

Restrict access inside the house
Keep the pup on leash with you, in a free-standing pen on an easy-to-clean floor (while supervised), or in a properly-sized kennel. When the dog looks like he is about to pee or poop, say “potty” (or whatever word you choose) and take him quickly to the pad. Give lots of praise and a small treat if successful. Do not allow the pup free access to the house yet, as that will only result in making housetraining mistakes.

No punishment
If your pet has an accident, take them quickly to the pad. Avoid yelling and using phrases such as“bad dog” or giving other punishment. Doing this will teach him to poop and pee when you are not around.

Set up an “alone” room
When you cannot watch your pup, or when you are away from the house, leave him in a small bathroom with pads covering the entire floor. Leave some water, toys and some bedding. Do this for two to three days, then remove one of the pads (leaving all the others).

In two more days, take another pad away. Two days later, remove another, and so on. The idea is to wean your pet off of each pad until there is only one left in the room. If your pet pees outside of the remaining pads put the rest back and start over.

Feed your pup on a schedule
For dogs that eat twice a day, the Animal Humane Society recommends putting the food bowl down in the morning, waiting 15 minutes, and removing it, regardless of how much or how little they ate. They will learn to eat when food is available and be less likely to have accidents during the day.

Take your pup to the pad regularly and wait for them to go
The Animal Humane Society recommends every two to three hours following sleep, play, and eating periods.

Maintain this routine for about two weeks. If your pup is not having accidents at that point, begin to give him a little more freedom and continue to reward successful potty trips. If he starts to soil again, return to the abovementioned steps.



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