Contractor pleads guilty to wounding fellow Jamaican

A 52-year-old contractor is due before the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court early next month when a wounding case against him is expected to continue.

Hermon Hugh Edmondson, who resides at Dash Gap, Bank Hall, St Michael, pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding Shevone Guthrie on August 23, 2023. Both men are Jamaicans.

Station Sergeant Crishna Williams told the court that the virtual complainant and the now-convicted man reside at the same residence. On the mentioned date, they got into an argument. One of them left the premises and returned, at which time the argument resumed.

The situation was quelled when Guthrie’s girlfriend pushed him into his bedroom, but according to the prosecutor, Edmondson subsequently entered that room with a
machete and attacked Guthrie, causing a laceration.

Edmondson then left the residence and the matter was reported to police.

Station Sergeant Williams said Guthrie told lawmen that Edmonson had a
machete. Edmondson, however, said he had a knife.

In addressing Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes, the first-time offender said the complainant had asked him for work, but every time he offered, he turned it down. Edmondson explained that he came home on the mentioned date, removed a piece of fish from the fridge and noticed that some of his chicken was missing.

“I asked him why he take my thing. I told him not to touch my things because he doesn’t want to work. I had the knife in my hand to look about the fish. He came down on me, so I defend myself; I give him one slap in his hand. I slap him with the knife but I didn’t know he got cut. I left and go outside. They came out and he started to take up rocks and pelt at me,” Edmondson told Weekes.

In response, the chief magistrate said: “I don’t understand how you all are guests in this country and are behaving this way.”

When Guthrie appeared before the court at a subsequent sitting, he said Edmondson behaved “like a bully” and spoke to him as “if he is my father”.

The case continues on September 7, 2023. In the meantime, Edmondson is on $2 500 bail.

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