Lester Vaughan School cleared to reopen

The Lester Vaughan School has been cleared to reopen its doors to students, teachers and staff, as of Monday.

After reviewing the reports and consultation, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of the Environment could find no evidence to substantiate the continued closure of the school. 

A meeting with parents was held on Friday in the hall at Queen’s College, and was chaired by Chief Education Officer, Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw. Also present were Permanent Secretary (Ag) Wendy Odle and other Ministry officials, Chairman of the Board of Management at the Lester Vaughan School, Dr Donley Carrington, Principal, Suzette Holder and environmental expert, Ian Weekes, who read through the comprehensive report and explained the findings to the audience. 

The report revealed that there were no emissions at the plant, and all Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) levels were below the threshold for safety. 

After analysing the reports for the smoke test and the air quality, followed by a tour of the plant, both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment are satisfied that the plant can be reopened, and pledged to continue working with the Ministry of Education to examine the wider environment outside of the school.

Having been furnished with the results of two independent reports, received the assurances of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment, and having consulted with trade unions, teachers and parents, the Ministry of Education is satisfied that the school can be reopened for students, teachers and staff. 

The reopening will allow for in-person teaching, the completion of practical activities and the library facilities during the Easter vacation, so students can continue to prepare for their external examinations.

The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training wishes to extend their gratitude to all who gave of their time, resources and expertise to bring the Lester Vaughan School back to a space where teaching, learning and growing can continue. (PR)

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