Handyman’s ‘cowardly’ slaying shrouded in mystery

Shawn Maynard’s father Trevor Mason says it is a mystery why anyone would want his son dead. (HG)

The quiet community of Marley Vale, St Philip is reeling after the body of 40-year-old handyman Shawn Maynard was discovered on Wednesday evening along a cart road. And family members and residents are puzzled about who would want him dead.

Police responded to reports of a body sighting just after 6:30 pm and found Maynard lying motionless among the shrubbery. He was identified as a Bayfield, St Philip resident who neighbours and family described as helpful and unproblematic.

“He wasn’t a bad person,” said Trevor Mason, Maynard’s father. “This is not something that we would expect. We never hear nobody saying he do them nothing or never hear of him being in a noise with anyone.”

He expressed shock at the sudden death of his oldest child, who lived at home with his parents and younger sister.

“I left him here in the morning when I was leaving for work and when I came back around after six, I got a call to say that they just find him dead…just like that. He wasn’t missing or anything.”

The father suspects foul play may have occurred: “It looks to me like a hide and hit because the way I see him with his bag on his back and phone still in his hand like he always [has] it, it had to be something sudden. He was just trying to get from one place to the next and it’s like someone was waiting on him… for whatever reason.”

Mason told Barbados TODAY that he had received news that his son was possibly shot, adding: “If that is the case, then somebody got to hear it and nobody is coming forward saying they heard anything. Something fishy is happening. I think people are really covering up.”

Shaking his head, he concluded: “People really have badmind for this to reach my son.”

A neighbour agreed that the victim “wasn’t a bad person” and did not deserve this fate: “I know him enough to know he doesn’t deserve this. He is someone you can ask to do anything and he doesn’t charge you as much as others would. And even if you and him had something, he would shout you back the next morning. He just [lived] here with his parents and [lived] a humble life.”

“To do something like that to someone like Shawn is a move of a coward,” the neighbour added. “Everyone in the neighbourhood knows him. He grew up and lived here all his life. And speaking on behalf of the family, we want to know who did it so closure can happen. We won’t necessarily get the ‘why’ but we need to know ‘who’ so justice can be served.”

Police are appealing for anyone with information to contact the District ‘C’ Police Station at 416-8200/02/04, the police emergency line at 211, or the nearest station.



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