Update: Court Ruling: Andre Worrell and Pedro Shepherd to maintain DLP leadership roles in the interim

Andre Worrell and Pedro Shepherd will remain as acting President and General Secretary of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) respectively for the next month.

This was the ruling of Chief Justice Leslie Haynes this morning as he adjourned the matter brought to the High Court by veteran DLP member Ricardo Williams to allow the complainant time to file additional documents.

Following the hearing, DLP Political Leader Ralph Thorne told reporters, “to make it absolutely clear, Mr Pedro Shepherd in this interim period will function as General Secretary and Mr Andre Worrell will function as President and their work must not be disrupted by anyone.”

William’s attorney-at-law Shamar Bovell told reporters the court requested that a substantive case be within 14 days.

Williams filed a certificate of urgency requesting the DLP’s executive take the necessary steps to restore Dr. Ronnie Yearwood and Steve Blackett to their posts.

Bovell maintained they have a strong case.
“My client believes we have strong claim and I do believe we have a strong claim and the claim will be adjudicated before the court and not necessarily in the public.”

The matter was adjourned until June 26. (JB)

Read the full story in Monday’s Epaper.

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