Near-death experience changes Hyman’s life

Vanessa Hyman is the author of The Waiting which is a Christian inspirational book that speaks about waiting on God’s timing. The debut book of prose, which was released on January 14th, 2022, was inspired by her near-death experience while on a missionary trip in 2015.

“This book was inspired by my near-death experience of being submerged while swimming with a few friends on a missionary trip in Grenada 2015. While submerged I thought that was it for me, my 19 years of living would end there in that moment.

“I recall crying out to God saying, ‘this can’t be it for me, there is more to my life than just what others thought of me’. I cried out to God to save me, and I had an encounter with God that I never experienced.

All my doubts about Christianity whether He was real or not, I found an answer that day under the water at the bottom of a lake,” she said.

The Guyanese-born author and former student of the Springer Memorial School said what further inspired her to begin writing her book The Waiting was also understanding God’s love.

“In addition to my earlier statement I would say that what led me to write this book was finally understanding God’s love towards me even though I never saw myself as worthy of love, He gave it to me.
Knowing that he saved me that dreadful day was for a reason and a purpose that only I can complete in this world.

“In 2020 I felt God nudging me to start writing the book and I ignored it because I did not want to put my story out there. When Barbados went into the second lockdown due to Coronavirus, I felt the nudge again and I harkened as I felt it was time to put pen to paper,” she said.

Hyman said that initially she had no aspirations of writing a book despite writing in her journals over the years.

“To be completely honest the answer would be no. As it was an idea that had never crossed my mind even though on many occasions I would write in my journals and persons would often mention that I should publish my work. In 2014 it was prophesied that I would write a book but at that time I was struggling in my Christian journey and still did not understand what God meant to me. Nevertheless, I kept the prophecy to the back of my mind,” she said.

The author of The Waiting which was published by Shelev Publishing and is available on Amazon, said that she wants readers to be inspired and understand that there’s a purpose to every season of their lives whether they are Christian or not.

“I want the readers of my book to know that God does exist and even when we are struggling to find truth, He is there willing to show us His truth.

All He requires is that we bring every broken piece of our lives before Him because He is not looking for perfection but willing lives to change and transform. The book seeks to help teach others what God has taught me about trusting His timing while working out our situations and also working in our lives to bring about good characteristics in us so that we can fight and survive this journey.

“I would like them to know that I faltered on many occasions and struggled to get where I am today but because I didn’t give up, they can now read about God’s faithfulness,” she said. She said since releasing her book on Amazon a month ago the response has been overwhelming.

“The response has been very good as many persons are eager to hear my story but mostly to hear about the God I am always testifying about. Some persons were shocked when the book was released because I did not share with many about what God has been doing with me behind the scenes.

This is my first book, and the experience has been a learning curve but also exciting because this is a huge step for me as I am naturally a reserved person. I am waiting to see what else God has in store and also listening to the feedback from my readers. I am planning on writing other books.

Currently one is with the publishers, and I am working on another,” she said. Hyman said that she wants persons to know that there is a huge difference between religion and having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

“God is not going to force anyone to serve Him but all He desires is that we would give Him a chance to help us fulfil the purpose of what we are called to do on earth. Christianity is not an easy journey, but it is one that has changed my life drastically because I choose to have a relationship with God other than a religion.

God is still able to work out whatever situation you are in all you have to do is to invite Him to the situation and trust that He knows what is best for you,” she said.

(Write Right PR Services)

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